Monday, 9 January 2012

Teachings of The Prince under a republican form of government

Machiavelli is an individual who was born at the end of 15th century. In his career development he served Florence which was then under republican government as a diplomat (Machiavelli 1979). Being in this position, Machiavelli engaged in high-level diplomatic practices on behalf of this state. The Diplomatic activities took him to big countries i.e. Italy and France. In addition, Machiavelli being an individual gifted in personality analysis put in paper the political assignments he undertook. However, during this period of personal career development, republic forces were defeated and the government disbanded. This regime change had several casualties; Machiavelli was the most affected victim. It was alleged that Machiavelli conspired against the individual who defeated republican forces, Medici (Machiavelli 1979). The regime change brought torture and misfortune to Machiavelli who was imprisoned and brutally tortured. After the imprisonment and subsequent torture, Machiavelli wrote the prince. The article seeks to analyze the good teachings of Machiavelli article under republican form of government.
The important work of Machiavelli enlightens his thoughts on government. The writer is keen at unmasking the tradition of tyranny and its relation to the republican government. The republic government according to the writer is one of the popular regimes that cannot be separated with tyranny. Tyranny is a political tool that depends primarily on political circumstances. According to Machiavelli (1979), tyranny just as any other government, principle is prone to change and a regime that practices the same can be changed. The prince and the discourses, Machiavelli important political works postulates that the reform of tyranny regimes is solely through leader education and exposure. The works are a revelation to those individuals striving to join politics. In addition, this works are vivid in relation to political circumstances and results. The two articles aim at educating the states men and women on various aspects of political regimes and the general, morality of leadership. In accordance to the prince, a wise political leader is important in elimination of tyranny regimes. Machiavelli (1979) argues that this individual is gifted with the knowledge of understanding the goals of politics while at the same time understanding the ever-changing times that call for frequent changes in running government. In addition, the book points out the presence of challenges in political life, these are referred to as accidents. Political leaders therefore need to accommodate these difficulties and engage prudent ways in solving them. Machiavelli writing is clear on the issue of sacrificial politics. The writer advances that for a political regime to be appealing, its seriousness in politics is of utmost importance. Given the seriousness of politics, the political leaders are in a position to sacrifice their interests for the sake of the state. Having represented the state as a diplomat, Machiavelli in his articles agitates for personal sacrifice to the state and citizens in dissemination of service (Machiavelli 1979).
The prince and the Discourses are great educators to the contemporary leaders and citizens. Machiavelli has largely elaborated ways of eradicating tyranny regimes. Machiavelli teachings seek to address both the public and those in authority. According to his writings, citizens play a major role in the transformation of state. They are tasked with the provision of quality services on behalf of the state. This is an integral lesson, the good citizens are able to foster nationhood during times of crises and salvage their countries (Machiavelli 1979). In addition, being a prudent leader will allow wise counsel to the responsible authorities. The writings seek to nature responsibility in both the leaders and the public. Legitimacy of any authority in accordance with Machiavelli articles is based on its moral goodness (Machiavelli 1979). In addition, the political power accrued by a political leader is based in his moral standing in the society.  According to the prince, good moral standing is paramount given the ruler intends to pass reign to offspring.  This is because good and peaceful leaders are believed to gain more favor from the electorate. However, Machiavelli argues that judging the power use legitimacy lacks moral basis. Rather, the individuals in power have the right impose their command over subjects (Machiavelli 1979). Machiavelli criticizes the assertion that individual goodness leads to power and argued that the level of moral character does not guarantee increased authority. Machiavelli having worked for republican government has the authority to rubbish the relationship of moral character and maintenance of public office.  In accordance to the aforementioned criticism, Machiavelli intents to pass a point that when it comes to power, there are specific rules guiding the game. According to the prince, the activities undertaken during a given regime is directly related to regime power and it is paramount therefore to educate rulers on the use of power to encourage morality in activities. In addition, the writer advances a teaching that, the usage of power ascertains the level of public obedience to the ruler. Moreover, the ruler with proper application of power is capable of reigning for longer period while maintaining a stable society with good security.
Authority and legitimacy of a political system rests squarely on the enforcement of law (Machiavelli 1979). The treatment of law and force is an important concept addressed by Machiavelli writings.   According to Machiavelli, for a political system to enjoy massive acceptance, it has to nature good laws an arms of governance.  Although Machiavelli fails to address the issue of good laws in his writing, he argues that the issue of having nice arms covers them (Machiavelli 1979). In addition, according to him, laws depend on arms.  To control the public, a state instills fear in them. This deception gives the state an ample time to conduct its inhumane control of the public, as each individual will tend to run to the state for help. According to Machiavelli (1979), people are amazing creatures that breaks the bond of love most of their time but are loyal to deceptions. In addition, people tend to be loyal to a retrogressive regime because they fear the consequences of their actions.  The aforementioned issues of law and arm are an important revelation. The public are the enemies of themselves as they buy deception more easily then treasuring the bond of love in their daily activities. The teachings of Machiavelli are that the public are ungrateful and insincere just like their political systems. Furthermore, Machiavelli asserts that political rulers’ respect of rights defines their level of success. The rulers’ who are selfish and are only keen in protecting their own rights tend to perish by the same rights while vice versa is true. In addition, during times of conflicts, individuals who belief in power more that authority tend to succeed in the quest. From Machiavelli article, it is apparent that for citizens to acknowledge and respect laws, law authority needs power support (Machiavelli 1979).
A discourse is one of Machiavelli works that expresses in depth his personal feelings towards republican government (Machiavelli 1979). Its apparent from this works that Machiavelli that for successful rule a strong government is necessary. Although he argued that the position of the prince was hereditary, he agrees that an ear to the aspirations of the public is paramount for a state to thrive. However, a strong government will not function fully without incorporating the rule of law and functional institutions. A state with a sound constitutional dispensation assures freedom to its citizens. In such a society, individuals participate in the daily operations of the government and the government works in a manner that does not infringe on the rights of the public (Machiavelli 1979). Throughout the work of Machiavelli, liberty is the integral part of his theory of political dispensations. To analyze the importance and the worthiness of a state it is paramount to ascertain the level of liberty enjoyed by the citizens. Machiavelli is an individual who had a lot of government experience after working as a diplomat for the French government. Despite the hardships he suffered, he still praises monarchy in a scenario where republics ought to be encouraged. However, he laments that, despite the organization of a monarchy government, it still lacks important qualities that are core to the composition of a republican government. In addition, the qualities and the setting of the republican form of government streamline its constitution more than that of a monarchy regime. The discourse looks to applause the kingdom of France by being one that is guided by law. According to Machiavelli, laws in this kingdom are considered important and all individuals are under the law than any other kingdom in existence. Machiavelli argues that despite the amount of power at the king disposal, the population liberty and freedoms are still protected. The supreme laws of the land check the powers of the king (Machiavelli 1979).
Security is an important aspect to both a regime and the masses. According to Machiavelli, most individuals under a monarchy regime fail to differentiate between liberty and security. In addition, people claim liberty to make others their subjects. However, the demand of others is in relation to security. Monarchs fail to honor the masses with the demanded liberty but are quick to provide security to every individual.  The state provision of security is enhanced by disarming the people to ensure all citizens are equal. However, Machiavelli believes that the advantages of the disarmament are limited compared to what could be derived in a liberal state. The king of such a disarmed nation does not possess supernatural prowess over her aggressors. It is an incentive to subject the masses under their control. Machiavelli (1979) believes that a nation with armed citizens is able to withstand both the government and foreign tyranny. From the writing, Machiavelli is an ardent supporter of people induced liberty. In monarchy regime, entirely the king controls everything. By contrast, republican government entails the participating of all citizens in government. Liberty is an important aspect in a republic and it is the responsibility of every citizen to fight for its realization. Machiavelli in his work, discourses, points out clearly that the general liberty enjoyed is a contribution of other parts (Machiavelli 1979).
The prince adopts incentives that have grave negative effects to his soul (Machiavelli 1979). The prince acts immorally to preserve his regime. However, acting against morality and humanity is necessary when dealing with foreign aggressors and when dealing with economic ills i.e. bribery and corruption. There are times when corruption laws favor those in authority, this contradicts the initial meaning of a democratic and liberal community and the common citizens are considered less important.  The writer in his writing postulates that, sacrifice is paramount if the state of the economy is to be sustained. Lack of humanity and civility drives individuals in authority to commit grave mistakes that influences states negatively (Machiavelli 1979). This selfishness is expounded in Machiavelli works, the prince and discourse. An example is the Italian prince who seeks to amass wealth and enhance personal protection at the expense of the state. From the aforementioned issues, it is apparent that immoral activities that negatively affect society should be avoided.
The prince is responsible for the peace and stability in his kingdom. Adverse situations i.e. aggressions call for sober response from the prince. The individual at the helm of leadership is responsible for the decisions to save the state. Machiavelli argues that, the prince is responsible for restoration of order in a state. In addition, Machiavelli in discourse, points out that the prince is responsible for reforms to address the economic ills of a state. The reason for this argument was based on the belief that the pioneers of republics enjoy public support and many like them while tyrants face stiff public opposition. There are several difficulties encountered by leaders in the course of their duty especially in relation to reforms. This therefore calls for a leader with extraordinary character. In accordance to Machiavelli, the prince is a very lenient, moral prince that seems to contradict the extraordinary capabilities of a leader. However, Machiavelli states in the prince that the prince needs to nature a good environment of arms, laws, friends and act as a good example. These virtues are important for a morally upright leader. However, the aforementioned issues are only realized after a struggle. According to Machiavelli, republican government supersedes principality in the long run. In discourses, Machiavelli argues that states have visions and dreams which political communities need to enjoy together with freedoms.  Every state is striving to ensure it meets its human necessities in the long run.  Political, social and economic stability are some aspects of judging the state of a regime, to ascertain whether it is good or bad. In accordance to fostering stability, republican government is accredited.  In accordance to Machiavelli, it is apparent that during times of hardships and disasters, it is paramount to seek redress on the political community principles and values. The principles are believed to nature good morals that are important in restoring the initial good status of a state (Machiavelli 1979).
In conclusion, both the prince and the discourse speak about the political leaders of both forms of government (Machiavelli 1979). Machiavelli intends to teach individuals on the necessity to be a responsible leader and make prudent decisions and challenging times. Moreover, Machiavelli through his reverences displays the negativity of tyranny in both the ancient and modern states. He asserts the fact that most men are driven by personal ambition and selfishness. However, Machiavelli seeks to educate statesmen on the importance of good morals that bring glory. In this regard, the prince and the discourses pose important lessons concerning republican government than other previous writings.
Machiavelli, N. 1979.  The portable Machiavelli. New York: Penguin Books.

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